Three years ago Lisa was homeless living under a bridge in Muskogee, addicted to drugs, and not wanting help. One very cold night a Bridges trained Muskogee Police officer brought her a box of blankets and non-cook food. That is the moment she decided there was hope. She turned to the Bridges Certified Gospel Rescue Mission who introduced her to … Read More
SAC Nutrition Muskogee Meals on the Go
A gentleman who is battling cancer was put on the meals as well as his wife who is his caregiver. His wife said the meals really help her and her husband because they have at least one balanced meal a day, 5 days per week that she can count on and relieve her from cooking. It also gives him and … Read More
Building Bridges for the Future of Muskogee
Stephen enrolled in the program while incarcerated with a felony conviction and attended the 20-week Getting Ahead Classes. He stayed sober, reduced his financial debt, and satisfied court requirements and is now thriving. He owns his own business, bought his family a home, and appreciates the importance of reading to his son. In September 2016, Muskogee was awarded The National … Read More
Muskogee Rollin’ Raiders
A young man 16 years old who could not walk and was afraid to go to school was told of our team. His uncle called the coach and asked if he could play. Of course the answer was yes, and the uncle brought the young man to the next practice. He was so weak from lack of activity he could … Read More
“Play It Safe”- Kids’ Space Muskogee Co. Child Advocacy Ctr.
The program we received the funding for is called, “Play it Safe” children’s abuse prevention education. We are providing this program to students pre-k through 8th grade in Muskogee Public Schools, Hilldale Schools and Muskogee private schools such as St. Joseph Catholic School. The City of Muskogee Funding will cover the facilitation of each class as well as the renewal … Read More
CASA for Children
Ashley* is now a vibrant 16 year old but that’s not how this story started. You see Ashley is like many who do not have the parental care needed to thrive in this world. The state stepped in fall of last year because the mother had kicked Ashley out and admitted she could not take care of her. After living … Read More
Gospel Rescue Mission
Jack Murr has been on staff with the mission for 22 years loves our guests consistently. He has a quiet way of connecting with our men, women and children, encouraging them to keep trying and never give up. Four years ago, Rodney and his wife were arrested and convicted of charges as a result of manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in … Read More
Kelly B. Todd
KT is nearly 3 years old. He had serious problems when he was born, requiring months of hospitalization and intense medical interventions. He currently has significant global delays in fine and gross motor skills, speech, and cognition. In addition, he has had a real struggle with food intake. Though he doesn’t consistently roll over from tummy or back, and doesn’t … Read More